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The Zen of Less Is More: If less is more, then nothing is everything.

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A zen state of mind is described as a mind that is clear, free of superstitious, delusional and damaging thoughts. A zen state of mind could certainly be useful in your day to day activities, but most certainly, useful during competition. Which brings us to today’s thought of, “If less is more, then nothing is everything.”
I’m not sure that this can be applied to everything, especially when considering preparedness, ability or effort. But this paradoxical statement can indeed be a profound perspective for athletes in cultivating a competitive mindset.

1.Simplicity in focus: Less is more reminds you that sometimes, simplifying your focus is the key to achieving greatness. Instead of being distracted by countless goals and aspirations, narrowing your focus to one or two simple objectives can lead to better results.

2.Embracing empty space: The concept that nothing is everything encourages you to embrace moments of emptiness or stillness in your competition schedule. These moments can be very useful as times of recovery, reflection and recharging. Empty space can be a source of renewal and inspiration.

3.Mindfulness and Presence: This might be the most important of all, as you will perform your best when you are fully present in the moment. Nothing is everything encourages you to embrace the present moment, free from distractions and worries about the past or the future. Eliminating distractions to focus totally on the task at hand is key to producing to the best of your ability. Eliminating “mental clutter” prior to competing includes eliminating doubt and fear.

Finding the zen of less is more during the intensity of competition may just be the missing ingredient to you to achieving your best.